5 reasons to hang Zeat Art on your wall

We thought a more appropriate title for this blog should be: 100 reasons to hang Zeat Art on your wall, but seeing as everyone is so busy these days we thought we’d cut it down to just 5 ;-)
1. You LOVE theatre, or a certain production, or a certain actor… or all of these things and much more!
We realise from speaking to our Zeat Art customers how much these wonderful shows mean to people. Both actors, creatives and audiences want something to remind themselves of the happiness that they felt from within these incredible theatres. Despite loving the franchise surrounding these productions, Zeat Art has created a new kind of souvenir to preserve these special memories.
Designed by an actor, who has spent the majority of his life within these very buildings, Zeat Art couldn’t be more of a poignant representation of the industry.
2. You love the Scandinavian style!
Do you have an empty wall, which you’re at a loss to know what to do with? Or maybe you’re conscious of over-spending on art-work? Or just want a more contemporary look to your home?
Our state-of-the-art posters have an elegant design, which we have been told can even create an atmosphere of tranquillity and order within your home. Teamed with a black or simple wood frame, we think they look best as a cluster of 3 or more so that the different shapes can compliment each other (although they also hold their own well as single pieces).
3. You want to impress your friends
Zeat Art is the perfect conversation starter. Your friends are bound to be intrigued! You will probably notice them glancing at the posters from afar trying to work out what they are. We can see all sorts of faces, animals and buildings within the shapes of the seating plans, and in our view, it adds to their charm. Once you have explained what they are, and why you have hung them on your wall, we know your friends will want one too. By spreading the word and helping us to reach as many people as possible, you become a ZA ambassador and a very valuable friend.
4. You want a tailor-made product
We are proud to offer a made-to-order service so that you can have the theatres that suit your preference!
We now have over 80 theatres completed which can be viewed on our website – www.zeatart.com - and if we don’t have the one you are looking for, then you can always make a wish! If you head to the Theatres page on the website and scroll to the bottom then you will find the wish box and our little elves can start working on your seating plan.
5. We are a European company and we support unity
We have realised just how much love and support the industry has from people from all walks of life. It’s a heart-warming fact that we have had contact from people from several different age-groups, industries and nationalities (thank goodness Anton speaks so many languages). We have had orders from: Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Netherlands, England, Scotland, Ireland. Brexit or no Brexit, we are proud to have created a product, which at its very core signifies solidarity; a European poster with a world-wide intention: to create harmony within your home!